Why Was This Built?

Description. Why is this field even here?!?!?!

Documentation! That’s the reason the Description attribute is built into Salesforce fields and automation. And when used properly they leave a legacy for future admins.

Have you ever asked, “Why was this field, workflow, or process created?” If the creator left a detailed description, then you didn’t. 

So for the other 99.99999999% of us that didn’t have an extremely thoughtful admin come before us we spend far too much time playing investigator when the tool for communication was there the whole time.

We can’t build a time machine. But we can extend the future admins the courtesy we were not given. 

Remember your Salesforce org could soon grow. This means your admin team could grow. A concise reason for why this field or automation was created could allow future admins to troubleshoot and evaluate more efficiently in the future. 

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